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ESG Manifesto

At Deli Home, we take our social responsibility very seriously. We strive to fulfill our promises and be transparent about our progress, as you can see in our annual report. But we want to go beyond just numbers and facts. We aim to convey our vision on ESG through a story that resonates with everyone—a story about wood and what it means in people's lives. 

We have encapsulated this vision in our ESG manifesto and a tagline for Deli Home. Together, we are building a better, more sustainable future, with wood as our source of inspiration. 


Nature’s most valuable resource.
Wood provides oxygen. It lets us breathe.
Offers warmth. Protection. Shelter.

At Deli Home we are passionate about using wood.
Because it is not just a versatile, strong, and beautiful material.
Wood inspires creativity and craftsmanship. For as long as humans have existed.
When people are surrounded by wood, they feel better.
Healthier, safer. Reconnected with nature.

Using sustainable wood, helps us to combat climate change.
Because wooden products are long lasting. They are renewable and enduringly store carbon. Making us healthier as a population.

Our ambition at Deli Home is simple yet profound: to make the goodness of wood accessible to as many people as possible. Wood craftsmanship. With deep respect for the material, we offer high quality and tailored wooden products in a way that everyone can benefit. Now and in the future.

We are taking big steps. We work hard to minimize our environmental footprint. And maximize our positive impact. We use certified wood, to support sustainable forestry. And the people involved. We aim for a waste-reducing supply chain, combining traditional techniques with modern technology, in the most waste-efficient manner possible. We innovate with timber products, to constantly enhance the quality of indoor spaces. So that people feel better. And we actively help our customers to make better, more sustainable choices.

Because using more wood in our homes and workplaces,
improves the wellbeing of people and the planet.
‘WoodBeing’, we like to call it.
Or in other words, wood that feels good.
For all.

Deli Home - Using wood for good
